Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ramadhan Diaries: Marriage

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

12 Ramadhan 1438H

"Diam itu lebih baik. Kerana kita orang berbudi bahasa."

An almost two-hour talk with my parents. On the wisdom of their experiences, and their potent prayers, I hope I can start to sleep better tonight inshaAllah. And I hope I can focus more on what's more important for me, for my family and for my duty in this world.

And this video, pretty much sums up my reflection of the talk. :)

Thank you Mama, Baba, for raising me till I became who I am today. And becoming my saviors ever since my first fall, my first failure and my first major heartbreak. Allah has granted me the best gems I can ever ask for in life, and that's you both. I'll be Kakak and I'll make sure to be the best daughter I can ever be inshaAllah.

And Allah, You have never forsaken me ever. I'm glad that at the age of 23, I am able to know You so closely and to take Your words in the Quran as my solace and my guidance. And You, You gave me that gift, the best gift anyone can ever hope for. I hope I can make You proud of me, of making me exist.


"Setiap bencana yang menimpa di bumi dan yang menimpa dirimu sendiri, semuanya telah bertulis dalam kitab (Lauh Mahfuz) sebelum Kami mewujudkannya. Sungguh, yang demikian itu mudah bagi Allah. Agar kamu tidak bersedih hati terhadap apa yang luput dari kamu, dan tidak pula terlalu gembira terhadap apa yang diberikan-Nya kepadamu. Dan Allah tidak menyukai setiap orang yang sombong dan membanggakan diri."
(Surah Al-Hadid, 57:22-23) 

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