Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Among Those That I Miss

Among the things that I miss is browsing through pictures of friends all around the world attending program tarbiyyah. Now lagi banyak org post about their marriage life, working life and post-graduation life that it feels kind of sad and empty to see the walls yg dulu penuh with kata-kata hikmah para sahabat dan tadabbur al-Quran dipenuhi update pasal scholarship and politik lokaliti semasa.

Not that I don't agree with it. People are constantly moving from one phase to another. Who am I to tell them to stop or live as what I deem they should be. 

Sekarang ni, teramatlah ajaib utk jumpa manusia berumur 23 tahun dan keatas yg masih ad that youthful zeal utk bangkitkan Islam semula melalui maratib amal. Sekarang ni, lagi mudah jumpa org yg post pasal day out with friends prgi resort mahal atau travel trips atau their partners atau their job atau their uni achievements sahaja. 

Ikhwah, akhwat,
Aku rindu zaman kita masih muda
Tatkala kita semua masih segar dgn fikrah tarbiyah
Dan bersemangat utk hidup dibawah naungan al-Quran
Kemana perginya dirimu setelah sekian lama kita tak ketemu?
Aku harap kau masih lg memegang Allah sbg paksimu
Meskipun mungkin, toriq amal dan fokus kita sudah berbeza kini


Yes, I truly miss those younger days. When I would hear about tujuan hidup and IDQ as normal as I would hear about the sun and the rain.

Moga Allah tsabatkan kita semua atas siratolmustaqim.

Rindu those three from the right :'(

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