Sunday, November 18, 2018

Kak Ejat

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

9 Rabiul 'Awal 1440H
Dublin Mosque

Today is the last evening Kak Ejat will be spending in Dublin and it is thus the last time we'll be seeing here in this country. Esok Kak Ejat akan BFG, an ordeal that was delayed for her for more than a year as she had to struggle through so many hurdles Allah planned for her. Writing this I feel a pang of sadness as I remember the beginning of our friendship, our sisterhood and our everlasting bonding fillah.

The first time I met Kak Ejat was in Uxbridge, it was just an instant meet-up and I never did catch anything about herself other than a glance of how she looked like. She was in her third year and I was still young and fresh, just a few months coming to this foreign land. She was my saviour during that Spring Camp in 2015 when her wrap-up for our daurah was the best pengisian there was in a place that I felt so disconnected to the fikrah Islam that I am so proud of.

With her leaving the country, South Circular Road has become even lonelier. I have said goodbye to Kak Fikah two years ago, my PMC-mates, Zumaro, the sisters that I love and respect all over Ireland. Seeing this place that has always become my refuge since first year, bit by bit lose its inhabitants that made it so special, I do feel very sad and lonely.

Macam ni kot perasaan ustaz when he walks down memory lane, replaying all his videos of the ikhwahs he met in Ireland. All the mutarabbis he had in UKE. And as he remember each and every one of their names, they might not want to even remember their time with tarbiyyah.

It's a sad melancholy feeling.
Rasa sayu.
Rasa rindu.

Kak Ejat will be leaving the country. And with her leaving, being a final year medical student, being kakak (undergrad) paling tua yang membawa liqa' di bumi UKE is finally sinking in. Reality strikes, and it's time to grow up.

Kak Ejat will always have a soft spot in my heart - how she smiles and make jokes, how we share our funny 'Mat Sabu' moments, how she can be very serious in planning our DnT and all her wise words and advice for me. I'll definitely miss you Kak Ejat, as how I will always miss Kak Wani, Kak Yaya, Kak Mina and Kak Fikah. Uhibbukifillah ukhti, may Allah protect you always and keep you in this path lillahi ta'ala.

Jangan tenggelam tau kak! Timbul, bahkan berenanglah~

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