Thursday, June 8, 2017

Ramadhan Diaries: My Blogs are My Time Capsule

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

14 Ramadhan 1438H

I hope that even after so many days that have changed to weeks, and now months, soon to be years, go by, I am still able to love fearlessly and forgive endlessly.

I hope that my yearning for happiness and rainbows never fade, and that my ambitions will continue to grow and flourish. 

I am a person who is in love with words and the eloquence residing in it, making me a failure when it comes to direct-straight-to-the-point medical histories I need to present to consultants and interns. I am a person who takes into account the lines you type to me, and the sentences you give me and the promises you made to me. Though as per always, each sentence bears a different gravity to it, and so some promises mean more than others.

What I aspire to always be is a humble and grateful servant. Though I am no longer in the spotlight of my current education institute nor am I the leader-public-figure amongst my peers, I still hope that I am able to wonder my future children as I tell them tales of the sahabahs and share them the wisdom of my life.

And finally, because I am forever a 'hopeful' romantic, I hope that on the day that I do meet the love of my life, I can share with him the love I have for the One that gave me life - my One and Only Greatest Love of All Time. And the two of us will stand against the test of time, distance, wealth and glam. And we'll be happy, with our huge family of everyone from mom, dad, to grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunties, our beautiful children and all of our beloved ikhwah akhwat.

We'll be happy.

We will.



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