Thursday, June 29, 2017

Perginya Seorang Permata

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

5 Syawal 1438H
Makkah al-Mukarramah

Today is the day our little mutarabbi passed away
Nur Nabilah binti Shahrul Ami
Or what we would call her - Bellamy
Amongst all those in Strathclyde, she was the brightest, softest and most eager mutarabbi we have ever met being under our care in UKE
She was 21 years old when she passed
Baru lepas dapat fikratuna
Baru lepas meluahkan kesungguhan nak join USKAB dan daurah lepas raya
She stays about 5 minutes away from her murabbi - a blessing we thought for both her and her murabbi

It's like a dream
How Allah took her away
How we thought that with her, there's still hope utk UKE
And now Allah granted her a place we all dearly want to go to
Back to Him

Bellamy passed when she was still so young in tarbiyyah
Dan gelak tawanya
Mungkin saja sudah tiada lagi
Tetapi segala kebaikan dan kejernihan niatmu utk kembali kepada Allah dik
Akan kami terus pegang dan semat erat dlm hati kami

Maut tidak mengenal umur
If I were to die today
Would the choices I make
And the actions I do
The amal I have
And the condition I am in
Grant me your Jannah ya Rabb?

Akak ingat lagi air mata awak waktu akak share tadabbur kat Glasgow
Akak sangat terharu, you reminded me of myself back when I was young and fragile
Nanti kita borak lagi eh macam kat Cliffs dulu?


Tunggu akak
Tunggu kami semua
Moga perginya awak menjadi hujah utk kak F and kak I diakhirat kelak

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