In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
1 Zulhijjah 1438H
Religion is not a commodity.
Allah did not choose us to be muslims just so that we can reap the benefit of it.
It would be unfair wouldn't it?
For lazy, complacent, irresponsible 'muslims' to be given a place in Jannah just like that.
I am actually very embarrassed of myself as I keep on repeating about the bountiful blessings Allah has bestowed me when I have yet to serve him with the servitude that is so rightfully His.
Banyak cakap pasal syukur tapi badan seolah tidak mengambil ibrah daripada syukur tu
Hati masih lagi merasai berat mahu memikul beban dakwah yang saban hari makin meningkat
Jiwa seolah dihimpit dengan batu besar apabila melangkah semula ke medan jihad bumi Shamrock
Belum cukupkah lagi Allah menunjukkan kuasaNya?
Religion is not a commodity.
Allah doesn't owe us anything.
In actual fact,
We owe Him everything.
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