In the name of Allah, The Most Graceful, The Most Merciful
1 Ramadhan 1438H
Klebang Besar
Alhamdulillah wa astaghfirullah. A year has passed since Ramadhan 2016 and now, almost reaching the age of 23, I am blessed with yet another Ramadhan in Malaysia. Ever so happy, ever so grateful subhanallah.
So, in the spirit of Ramadhan I have listed out a number of things I would want to accomplish in my Ramadhan checklist. Yes, planning is essential! Especially for me yang dah berjanggut dalam tarbiyah, sangat-sangatlah faham that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. And istiqamah lads, is the key success to achieving all our Ramadhan goals.
To share will all of you, I'll list out a few particular items I had on my checklist which are of importance to have on everyone's planner for Ramadhan.
1. Tilawah
- How much would you want to read per day?
- What's you goal by the end of Ramadhan? One time khatam or 3x khatam?
2. The obligatory prayers (solat fardhu)
- Early and on time
- At the masjid? Put a minimum of >1 time for guys (girls can of course participate too if you can! :D)
- Jemaah if possible
3. Qiamullail
- How many times per week? How many rakaat's every time?
- What specific du'as would you like to mention?
4. Sadaqah
- A small but consistent amount is more preferable, than one huge lump sum (Allah loves deeds that are consistent aite?)
5. Good deeds
- Do a small good deed everyday, like sadaqah, make it a consistent one as well
- Could be as simple as smiling to a random stranger or your brother in Islam, helping someone lift their heavy stuff or helping mom prepare iftar *wink2*
These are simple ones that can be followed. Remember to be realistic and consistent. There's no point in being ambitious for the first 5 days and then you just falter through the remaining 25 (nauzubillahi min zalik huhu). There are so many more references that can be used online but the main ones that I can conclude are the ones listed above - especially learning the Quran! Ramadhan is the month of Quran, and to truly embody the spirit of this month, we should continuously put effort and passion to understand the message behind it. No need to be over-ambitious, we need to be realistic. It's sufficient to learn just one surah thoroughly and applying its lesson in our daily life to reap the benefit of it. The companions back in the time of Rasulullah, as eager as they are, would not continue to learn of a new ayat until they have thoroughly enriched themselves in the teachings of the previous ayat they have learned from. Such love towards the Quran mashaAllah!
Another beautiful thing I'd like to share is making a Du'a list. This month, Allah bestows is with a night that is worth more than a thousand months! You'd need to be 83 years to finally reach the time, and be so diligent in worshiping Allah as well to gain the benefit equivalent to this night. And the catch is, in those 29-30 days of Ramadhan, Allah did not pinpoint which night, though there are narrations saying that it's in the last 10 nights of Ramadhan. Then again, if we don't start building up our stamina from now on, how are we going to go through the last nights with full spirit aite?
Okay, okay, so for Lailatul Qadr, that night, Allah will come down from His Arasy, waiting for any of His servants' wishes for Him to grant. All the amal at that particular will be multiplied to about 700 times, even more. All the angels will come down to expand on what Allah will decree for the earth to happen in the following year to come. And this temasya langit is throughout the whole night sampai terbit fajar. Isn't that so magnificent subhanallah! And thus, I find it so exciting in preparing for Lailatul Qadr by making a Du'a list - a general one, and a Master Du'a list. The general Du'a list can contain all the du'a that you would want to ask for Allah, with no limit in numbers whatsoever. Whereas the Master Du'a list contains the top 6 du'as that are your top, biggest dreams, you'd like to accomplish and these ones are the one you'd like to consistently bring out to repeat everytime you're reciting du'a during qiamullail. *senyum nampak gigi*
And finally, for those yang ada usrah, GO TO USRAH! Go to uskab, mabits, daurahs, etc, etc. Program tarbiyah during Ramadhan is the best because that's what keeps the good vibes coming, Good people makes a good environment that boosts our motivation to make Ramadhan our ibadah festival. Staying at home, watching movies and eating too much would just dampen the true spirit of Ramadhan. Don't waste the barakah in this month peeps, it's too valuable to be wasted!
With all these written up here, I hope it benefits both you and also serves as a HUGE reminder for me (more importantly). Forgive me for all my past misdeeds readers! Please send me a comment if there's anything left unsettled between us.
May Allah cleanse us of our past sins and gives us a clean heart by the end of Ramadhan inshaAllah.
Allahumma bariklana Ramadhan wa a'inna a'la siyamuhu wa qiyamuhu a'lal wajhilladzi yurdhika a'nna
P.S: Sabr needs to consistently study her medical stuff as well because Auntie Chik and Uncle Razin are them family-consultants yg semangat tanya soalan random (hewhew)
P.S.S: Doakan saya dan keluarga dapat jejakkan kaki ke Tanah Haram tahun ni :)
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