3 February 2017
Path Lab CSI
Galway, Ireland
Jumaah barakah! Another week about to end, another week filled with exciting adventures - and probably some that is not so favoured of. Haha. I'm finding the Path Lab to be such a therapeutic place to read, write and just relax despite this place being the student study area, and I am typing on a PC that is has quite a large screen for people to peek in on my writing. Oh well, this post will be up for public anyways so it doesn't make a difference does it. ;)
So far today has been quite fruitful. I woke up pretty early and was already at the hospital at 7.10am in the morning. Went for ward rounds with the team twice and went over to speak to one patient up for surgery this afternoon with the Final Meds - they were very nice to let me tag along with them. Dozed off for quite some time at GI Cancer MDM because I couldn't really understand much of the staging and pathology as they go through the cases really quick. Got a hearing from an SpR to study more on the structure, blood supply and the pathology surrounding gallbladders. Learned how to insert a cannula from one of the interns, failing so miserably to get into a vein (I will try and succeed next time inshaAllah!). And now, there's the Grand Rounds hold up in the Large Lecture Theatre though I'd say that I might be going quite late because I'd rather finish my Kahfi for today instead.
All in all, one of the most important things that I've learned today is to introduce yourself and speak to people properly. I found out that what Prof Cormican continuously reminded us off in the one year he was nagging to us in class really, really made perfect sense in the clinical setting.
Not only that, such manners and humbleness are mentioned even in the Quran.
And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] toward people and do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful. (Surah Luqman: 18)
Being nice, polite and humble really pays off in this world as people would definitely help you out. And if we keep on doing it for the sake of Allah, who knows what benefits we will get for it in Jannah!The nurses were so kind as to give us a spot to practice our cannulation, the intern was even nicer because she noticed us and decided to teach us how to do it. The SpR eventhough he looked cross with us, eventually gave out the answers and thought us about the Triangle of Callot, bile duct obstruction, etc, etc. And all that began was to be humble and introduce ourselves as third meds, not be boastful as though people should be the one entertaining us.
I'm excited to see how today unfolds because behind all the scolding and embarrassment, you do learn alot. And in it indeed is a form of motivation to study better.
Doakan kami disini!
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