I was never good at using thread and needle. Back during high school, whenever we had the task to sew different types of 'jahitan' for KH, mine would be the worse. Syasya would have one the best handcrafts when it come to sewing. And really, up till today all the patches that I had to sew would end up asymmetrical at all angles.
So today I decided to sew a huge hole on my blouse which was situated at the lower left part of it. Before, the hole never bothered me - it was just small. After months of letting it be, I soon find the slit increasing in size, with all the thread coming out like a bunch of angry yarnball. Thus, I decided to finally end its mayhem but sewing it tight.
And thus begin my endeavor of sewing the maroon blouse as 'properly' as I can ever be. Now before I began the ordeal of sewing the slit, I did not take the initiative to remove all the thread that's sticking out, together with that bundle of thread which I describe to be the 'Angry Yarnball'. Finishing my not-so-much work of art, I find that the stitch was not tight and decided to pull the thread already placed one by one to tighten it. When I came to the 'Angry Yarnball', things just got messed up and later (unsurprisingly) I was caught up in a dead end. There was no other choice but to cut the whole piece and stitch it back from scratch. Uhu.
I had to then make the decision to cut off the big mass of thread I made. And so I took a pair of scissors and cut through the whole pile of disaster. With that, I am finally able to mend my blouse properly and also, I learned how to sew neatly as well - much better than the first attempt alhamdulillah.
Mana tadabburnya?
It's coming. Hehe.
So what's the moral of the story from this experience of mine? Well, we're all human beings who make mistakes right? But all of us would actually want to be better and rid ourselves of our past misdeeds. Now, in order for us to become better slaves to Allah, we first need to cleanse our hearts and remove/stop/throw away/demolish all the improper acts that we have done.
Fasa pertama adalah penyucian jahiliyah, sekiranya diabaikan makan akan berlakulah 'Angry Yarnball' all over again.
And why do I say that? Well, if we don't stop the bad habits that we have, even if we try to make good deeds afterwards, we would still become tangled between those two things. Initially, it'll look easy to cope and you can simply mask away those ill doings with whatever goodness that you are trying to practice. But along the way, when you want to increase in the level of good deeds that you would want to do, the bad habits that you fail to remove will hinder your progress. Soon, you will be caught up with a huge mess and then, nauzubillahi min zalik, commit back to the past misdeeds you so wish to erase.
On the other hand, when you do decide to remove all the jahiliyah you have shrouding inside you, inshaAllah, proper repair can be taken. And with due course, you will be able to be a better person despite thinking that you lost a part of yourself. InshaAllah, what seems lost in our sight is never lost in the sight of Allah. He will definitely reward you for every sacrifice you make. *winkwink*
To add up to that, I'd say that being patient is essential both in becoming a better mukmin and also in becoming a dai'e. Sometimes our first few trials of trying to bring a liqa' will not bear fruit or achievement - maybe it would even just bring people away from ever wanting to learn more about the Deen. (peluh besar, moga Allah jauhkan kita daripada menjadi mereka yg menjauhkan manusia daripada agama huhu) But when one keeps trying, one will find the solution to enhance the skills needed in order to 'build' people as true muslims and mukmin.
Patience and belief is always key. Never ever give up.
And thus, ends my short ramble of me sewing the hole in my blouse. Till then~
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Twas the jahiliyah I had to remove from my blouse before being able to mend it. A resemblance of my own jahiliyah perhaps? |
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