Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Project: Discovering Allah

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

It is a challenging week indeed I am facing now (and it's only Tuesday, believe me this week will drain me) filled with a huge amount of distraught and confusion, worries and hopes all piled up at the start of the week. Yesterday witnessed one of my vulnerable moments as I tried to find reason behind all the actions I am taking now to begin with 2015. Honestly speaking, it's easier to decide that you want to do everything for Allah, but like in Surah Al-Ankabut, verse 2;

"Do humans think that they will be left alone on saying, 'We believe', and that they will not be tested?"

So it's not enough to just say it, it's not enough to just believe in it because every inch of that belief will be tested one after another in order for Allah to test that belief - either it's firm or not.

"That which is on earth we have made but as a glittering show for the earth, in order that We may test them - as to which of them are the best in conduct."
(Al-Kahfi, 19:7)

But you know, Allah really doesn't need to assure Himself of our stand because He already knows of it. Of all the people in Ireland and Malaysia, of all the living beings in the world, of all the particles in the galaxy and universe, the Most Powerful entity, our Creator, mashaAllah, believes in us. And He's so Powerful, we're so puny, yet He believes in us, believes in our meagre capacity.

"On no soul does Allah place a burden greater than it can bear."
(Al-Baqarah, 2:286)

Therefore, if we are facing a dire problem that we think we cannot settle, that is wrong. Very wrong.
Because, didn't Allah mentioned that no soul will be tested more than it can bear?
Our Creator believed in us, surely we should have that faith in ourselves that things will go well in the end no matter what the outcome is.

So what is the function of these tests? To me, I believe that they are more for us than they are for anyone else. These trials and tests we label as 'troubles' and 'problems' are actually tailored and customed made for us. To make us become better than we were before. If we never faced a difficult maths equation to solve in our monthly test, we will never know how to deal with that equation in the final semester exam. If we have never loss one of our favorite keepsake, we will never know how to overcome the loss of it when the time comes.

Tests are given to make you stronger. Not weaker.
And these tests are only given in Dunya.
Like Dunya, tests are temporary.

Being in the education system for more than 13 years, I know I've been to numerous tests and exams, minor and major ones. I know you have been to those too. Like the tests and exams we sit for in the exam hall, the test that Allah gives in our daily life also has a time frame. Exams usually ends after 1-2 hours, maybe up to 4 hours, but they end. Our problems are a test, and they too will end.

Allah gave me the most wonderful example today subhanallah.
I was out to get some groceries earlier today (bear in mind that I faced a terrible night of confusion the day before) and so I walked to the butcher as they forgot to deliver the minced meat we ordered yesterday. I actually went out yesterday already, so it actually did take up the time that I wanted to spend writing. Upon arriving, I explained the situation, took the package, smiled and left the store but as soon as opened the door, I was mesmerized beyond my expectation.


Yes, a rainbow.

As simple as it might sound, the view was breathtaking. The angle that Allah let me view this beauty was indescribable, I couldn't even take a picture with my phone. I did try though and failed miserably. Upon my final attempt, suddenly half of the rainbow was gone. And it strucked me,

"Allah gave me happiness in just a glimpse of time and that happiness soon disappeared. Even happiness is temporary, sadness is also temporary too."

Dunya IS temporary therefore everything in Dunya will be temporary too.
My happiness, my sadness, the money in my pocket, the time I'm in Ireland, the challenges I face.
All of them are temporary. They will come and they will go.
And that's the nature of Dunya.

Subhanallah. A blessing in disguise.

"Verily, with every difficulty there is ease."
(Al-Sharh, 94:6)

So you know, it's really unfair to say that life is unfair. Because we really never know what lies behind the events happening around us now. Some people could only realise the benefit after 10 years of having loss the opportunity to continue their studies abroad, some people never realise that they are actually lucky despite not having a boyfriend yet (we only do nikah here 'cause we're cool liddat disliking haram relationships). You think you know what's best but you don't really, Allah does. He's The All Knowing, Al-'Alim.

And Al-'Alim is one of Allah's 99 Beautiful Names.

Alhamdulillah, I am pleased to announce that I will be doing a collaborative project between two other bloggers; Farah Diana and nars together with my close friend Ilyani Rahim. We'll be doing a write-up weekly on one of Allah's 99 Names each and have the links posted at the end of each posts so that readers can easily click on the link and continue on the next blog to read (Ilyani will be using her Facebook mind you). We would really appreciate any extra comments or share on the blogposts/status so that many more people can also embrace the meaning behind these names and further develop a stronger relationship with our Creator by knowing Him better.


InshaAllahuta'ala, please pray for us and this project. It is just a mediocre attempt but may it be of benefit not only to us but to the ummah as a whole.

Peace be upon you, Salamun a'laikum!


  1. Love it Sab. Looking forward to it :)

    1. Oh please do add anything up if you feel like it. I'm welcoming any kind of comments. Ehe.
