In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Looking at the title, the time and the date, twas has ended the session of IB students sprawling in agony, twirling with glee and calmly planning for the next step after each receiving their online IB results at candidates.ibo.org.
Alhamdulillah, though whatever the results may be, one thing for sure is that finally we are able to crown ourselves with full glory as IB Survivors. Therefore, if any of you are reading this my friends, know that you went through those two years without bailing out until the end of our battle. And all this is done with the help of so many wonderful people around you, gifted by Allah Azzawajal.
Before I start rambling unconsciously, let me first make a clear statement that this post shall be personal. So if anyone who wishes to see something other than me being touchy and appreciative can decide to skip this post and move to another one, or wait for another post, or go to other blogs and read better thought-provoking posts.
It has been two years and I've struggled through every hole you made, paving my way through a land that certainly was devious yet was worth it all the way. Although we do have unfinished business with one another, I hope that Allah grants me peace with you as I finally bid farewell to the course that had thought me maturity even till the last moment. Thank you for being distinct in your lessons of 'torture'.
There's nothing more that I can say to this place that has brought me to learn the meaning of tarbiyyah. Through the ups and downs of my life here, the walls see my tears, the skies hear my thoughts and the wind listens to my dreams. Every inch and corner of this humble sanctuary became witnesses of my mishaps, laughter, ill-doings and success. Not much can I say without reminiscing through the days I had here as a student and as His servant.
You are the epitome of awesome-ness. Every single ounce of success we achieve today is the results of what you have thought and nurtured us to be. We owe so much gratitude to all of you for the never-ending prayers, the late-night tuitions, the sincere advice and dedication you showered upon us despite us only being a pain to all of you. This includes Dr Saa'i who tolerates our late-ness, Pn Noraini for calculating our grades while statistically advising us and En Hatta for always finding a way to ensure the best of our welfare. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May Allah keep on blessing each and every one of you and grant you Jannah at the highest of place.
Seniors, Sisters,
Thank you for going through all the perils, hardships, car-crashes and night driving just to bear with us naughty people. We are blessed to be given the chance to learn about our Creator and embrace our purpose of life while delving closer to what needs to be done in order to fulfil it. We may not be the best of sisters, we have yet so much to learn but we are indebted to all your kindness and deeds in which we are sure that only Allah can repay. The love that you have brought us to, that you have brought me to, gave me the strength to overcome my darkest fears, my worst demons and allowed me to attain a Love far more valuable than any of this world.
I can't possibly list each and every one of you here but undoubtedly being a part of Titanium was an astounding experience indeed. Honestly speaking, some may not interest the likes of me but as a whole, all of you thought me lessons I know I could not gain anywhere else in the world. No matter who you are - whether we've talked or made contact or not, your actions in KMB meant something in my life and thank you for giving me a wonderful two years worth remembering.
You know who you people are. We're all a little crazy, loud, sarcastic, weird and annoying but I'd never trade myself to be in another class other than you lot. Like I said before, this is my first class that people decided to celebrate birthdays with cakes and pranks. Also the first class in which I found great connections with everyone. We do have our fights and when sometimes that might cloud our judgement making us think ill of others, I'd always remember our Bakau trip and how that was the best trip we had as a class. A family.
I need to write about you. Haha.. Clearly because, you're one of my stronghold in KMB and everybody knows that. I've watched you laughed your head off, and you've watched me hysterically making jokes. You've watched me in my weakest state and I've seen you being in the most vulnerable. We met, we matured, we changed and we moved on. Together, side by side. Together then, now, and inshaAllah in the future. Roomie, even if we part, you'd still be my bestfriend. The one who's crazy enough to protect me inside out. Love you Lillah sister. :)
Mum, Dad,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't excel like I used to. I'm sorry that maybe this time around, you won't be getting anything to be put on that shelf. I promise to do better after this and be a good medical student, a good daughter and a good doctor for the ummah. I'll be a good sister so that both Ammar and Sonia will follow suite and also be the proof that you have done the best in becoming our parents. I promise to make you proud in Jannah. I'll try my best and I'll never give up and I'll keep on moving even if it's going to take every bit of strength from me.
Ya Allah, Ya Rasulullah,
Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah, Allahu Akbar.
You have made me alive up till today to witness so much of Your miracles. So much of Your wonders and so much of Your power. Never in my whole life would I have imagine to be the one chosen to bring about this sacred message of Islam that You have dawned upon Rasulullah. I am not worthy of being given the opportunity yet You still chose me. I've learned my lesson here. So much, so much have I understood about my deen. So little have I done though, and so much have I yet to learn. Rasulullah, sahabahs, stories that I once thought were mere fairy tales, myths and historical legends are now one of my pushing factor to strive even faster in this path to Allah. I hope whatever that I have gotten will be used for the betterment of the ummah and as an investment for my future in Jannah.
I am happy Allah. Despite everything, I am happy. I am happy that I am still here, alive, breathing. And despite all of this, I enjoy living my life like this; under Your shade. I pray that You give the best for me and my friends because I believe they worked so much harder and they deserve to be given the best.
And to that one person who has been there witnessing this all, I pray that Allah grants you strength, wisdom, patience and understanding as we build ourselves to become Rijals of the Ummah.
Finally, its the end. With that, bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I bid farewell to my life as an IB student.
*wipes tears*
*moves forward*
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